was founded on a belief that...

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Founded on a belief that constant inspiration is the key to beautiful design, Camilla Frances is a wonderfully individual print creator, leading a team that combines unique, personal design sensibilities with traditional hand drawing techniques to craft an ever-growing world of prints in the heart of East London.

An upbringing in idyllic Scotland, coupled with her mother’s career as a florist and a university degree studied on the Cornish coast, inevitably sparked a love of nature in Camilla and ignited her desire to travel. These influences sit at the heart of the brand’s designs today and the Camilla Frances team take regular trips across England’s blooming gardens, art exhibitions, museums and flower shows, continuing to fuel an appreciation of the great outdoors.

The resulting range of prints is hugely diverse, spanning delicate painterly florals, vivid paisleys and modern geometrics that transcend the seasons and are created on a weekly basis in the De Beauvoir studio. Each member of the team holds a different design trademark and specialist skill set, which is refined through the brand’s unique approach to team building; a family-like in-house education that is dedicated to nurturing the very best new artistic talent, encouraging a sense of freedom and self expression that is clearly woven through the collections.

Despite their London roots, the brand is truly global and the team travel between the USA, Europe and Australia on a monthly basis, alongside holding trusted relationships in Japan and Korea. An ethical approach is something close to Camilla’s heart and the designs - which cater for a varied client base spanning catwalk and interior design, high street fashion and bespoke projects - are printed in the UK as much as possible.

Camilla Frances Prints are delivered as faultless repeats and available in layered Photoshop files to provide a working process that is as seamless as the creations themselves.